Village of Aroma Park | Founded 1852

Author: admin

Halloween & Christmas Decorating Contests

It’s that time again to show off your decorating skills! The village will be having a Decorating Contest for both Halloween and Christmas! Everyone in the village who decorates their house will be entered into the contest. If you don’t want to be included, please call the village @ 815 937-1212.

Winners for Halloween will be announced the week of Oct 25th and Christmas will be announced the week of Dec 20th.

Cash prizes for 1st and 2nd and gift certificates for honorable mentions.

New this year we will be having a scavenger hunt. Clues will be given about specific decorations then once you find the house with that decoration you will need to write down address. All correct entries will be entered in a drawing for a gift certificate. Scavenger Hunt clues will be available at the village, Ryan’s Pier and possibly other local businesses and can also be printed off the village Facebook page. We are not doing a scarecrow contest this year but anyone who would like to put one up on the fence is welcome and encouraged to do so.

We will be doing the fence decorating for Christmas with cash prizes for the top 3, theme to be announced later.
We plan on having the Christmas tree lighting again this year and are also planning on adding additional activities for kids. Please follow the village Facebook page for information and updates. All activities and decorations are funded by donations, and we are always looking for help with planning and decorating.

Anyone interested in volunteering please contact Kathleen Slavin @ 815 347-3003

Let’s have some fun and show off our community spirit!

The postage was paid for by previous generous donations.

Village Phone

815 937-1212

Village Fax

815 937-1813

2200 South Lowe Road
P.O. Box 117
Aroma Park, Illinois 60910

Employer Cost & Participation Information
The Village of Aroma Park is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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Non-Discrimination Statement

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